I want to tell you why I asked the question. On my chart of who's asking for what over the last five years, I have everybody's main estimates, supplementary estimates, and what they actually spent out of public accounts. In the department you work for, 17%, 12%, 14%, 15% of your annual spending is through supplementary estimates. I was looking for ways to reduce how many supplementaries we have. You were really good. You have $18,000 in the supplementary (A) estimates. But this one is fairly significant, and there are a lot of items here for us to be looking at. I was a little concerned that we're piling on a bunch of pieces.
My next question is on the math, just so I understand. You say you have set aside approximately $2 billion for the settlement. That's what's in this thing. Somewhere it said about $2 billion was set aside for the residential school agreement. Is that not correct?