We're in a good position of moving forward now, in the sense that other governments have done this before us. There's a lot of private sector information out there, and examples, best practices, and proven models for us to take a look at.
Whether it's in the public sector or the private sector, it has been demonstrated that streamlining in the areas of e-mail, data centres, and telecommunications is the smart thing to do. Those are proven business models and they are reporting substantial savings and efficiencies.
Just as an example, I mentioned earlier that the Government of British Columbia began its IT consolidation in 2002 and reduced its data centres from over 100 to two in 2011. Of course, these are large servers that create a lot of heat and energy. Some of ours are very outdated. In British Columbia alone, as a result, energy costs are expected to go down by 50%.
In 2010 the United States government announced that it's working on reducing its 2,100 data centres by at least 800 by 2015. This is expected to save an estimated $3 billion annually. In the corporate world, IT consolidation is a continuous process, particularly when merger and acquisition activities are actually pursued. All major Canadian banks and insurance companies manage their IT infrastructures on an enterprise basis, which is what we're moving toward.
The enterprise-wide IT consolidation has been proven to yield both efficiencies and savings in the private sector. One of the key things they have learned is that it is essential to consolidate your infrastructure first and then begin a process of transformation and streamlining. That is what we're doing in our first stage that I've explained to you—stabilizing.
At the back of my mind I'm always very cognizant of the fact that the services we are delivering to Canadians today, like pension benefits—very important services for Canadians—have to be maintained throughout this entire process. Our number one priority is maintaining those services to Canadians. That is critical.
In the next part, our priority is to streamline and consolidate, but we always need to have top of mind that our number one priority is maintaining those critical services for Canadians.
Yes, it's a very large undertaking, but as Grant said, there are a lot of proven business models out there. If we approach this in the way we have outlined and planned, we believe it's achievable.