Quite the contrary. We have a lot of internal expertise that will work with us and guide us in this transformation, and will participate as we move forward. As I indicated early on, and as Liseanne mentioned, employees who work in this area are excited about this transformation and to participate in it. These are the people who are working with this aging IT infrastructure and they are the ones fixing it and servicing it. They know that moving to a more modern platform is important.
On your comments about the PricewaterhouseCoopers' report, we always look to ensure that there are proven models out there before we make a decision to move forward. I think that's important. We contracted PricewaterhouseCoopers to look at data centre consolidation in particular, and they came back with a report that makes all kinds of recommendations. It's just one piece of advice we've received and also proven models we've looked at.
But IT infrastructure consolidation is now considered to be an industry standard, so not moving ahead really isn't an option when you think about the fact that IT infrastructure and our IT backbone is responsible for delivering some of the most important services to Canadians.