I appreciate that question.
As I said, and you reflected as well, this is about improving services to Canadians. Our employees are very involved in the desire to see that transformation as well. From what the Auditor General said, the Government of Canada clearly needs a modern, reliable, and secure infrastructure so we can provide the quality of services they deserve. The current approach is clearly inefficient. It's duplicative, it is aging, and it's fragmented, which means we are spending too much money and we're spending it on the wrong things. We're not spending it on making sure those services are delivered efficiently.
We will be examining a variety of options and business models as we move forward. Once we've identified the best options, we will be developing detailed plans in each of these three areas. Until that work is completed, any impacts, including the nature and size of the workforce that will be required, are not known. In the event there are FTE reductions, Shared Services Canada will manage those reductions through careful human resource planning and with a view to minimizing the impact on indeterminate staff. As I said before, we will respect our commitments to employees and we will keep them informed as these plans move forward.
As Liseanne said, we have had good meetings with employees. They want to be a part of this transformation. I feel very strongly that we have a lot of good capacity within the Government of Canada working on IT to help us with this IT transformation as we move forward. Every step of the way we will not only include our employees in these plans but keep them informed.