I'm not planning any further structural changes at this time, because I think the organization needed and still needs some stability. So unless there is a reason.... There will be changes in the future, obviously, but none that are required at this point in time. I think we're merely starting to implement the management model we created in the last year. The spot checks are one example of one thing that we have not done yet, except insofar as before, with the 228 files concerned.... We've done that. We've done more than a spot check: we've reviewed each and every one of them.
I don't anticipate any big change except the help and assistance from somebody not involved in the decision-making change in any way. We will do that. We will define the type of person we're looking for. We will staff the position, because I think it's required. We need a person who has an approach in a certain compassionate way: access to justice is what I'm talking about.
We're meeting with officials of le protecteur du citoyen, the ombudsperson in Quebec. They've been in existence for 40 years. They've done things in the recent past about access to their services. We want to see what they've done. We'll do the same with some of the other provinces and territories to define a model, an approach. That's lacking: it doesn't exist per se at this point in time. It's not done in a rigorous fashion.
But on everything else, I think we'll keep working with the structure and the people we have, and we will reassess in a year's time or two years' time. The main objective is to change the image of the office through action: coming up with actual cases of founded wrongdoing, with actual reprisal cases going to the tribunal. I think this will speak more than anything else.