We've done focus groups recently, and it's clear that 80% of public servants do not even know we exist. So ten years from now, I would like to make sure that the vast majority of public servants are aware that we exist and aware of what we can do and of what the act can do for them. That will be my first objective.
I would like to see a tribunal dealing with 15 cases at the same time, because the volume will be there. If we're known, there will be a volume. Four hundred thousand people: it's a large public sector. So a tribunal...the machinery is there and it's awaiting the cases. We have two cases. The chair of the tribunal is extremely determined as well to make this work. Justice Martineau is the chairman.
So case reports to Parliament would become a bimonthly affair. Every two months or so, there would be something coming up to Parliament. It's not that I wish wrongdoing to happen; I'm just being realistic. With 400,000 people and $250 billion a year, I don't think it's too much to anticipate this type of volume ten years from now.