Thank you for the question.
As I wrote this report and started to see how these different pieces of the future estimates came together, I thought it was important that they be tied together better. In terms of my recommendations, I was looking specifically at some of the future estimates of the government; they don't necessarily impact on the main estimates directly, but I think they could, and they are part of the same process of estimating how the government is spending, where it's spending, and so on.
I hope I'm not missing the point of your question. I would encourage the committee to call for better reporting when it comes to the reports on plans and priorities as well as incorporating other pieces of the puzzle together so that you would have a much more complete view of what's happening, particularly down to the program level in each of the departments.
The main estimates, for instance, are quite generic when it comes to voting on major expenditures of cash for particular departments; if you took some of the program-level information in the RPPs and combined it more directly with the main estimates, you might gain more transparency in terms of how spending is changing at the departmental level over time.