In terms of process, you probably want to pick small departments and try this approach, as opposed to making a complete change. I think there are certain departments autonomous enough that you could use them as pilots for a couple of different models.
Rather than having data forced into this current template, there could be a website where people could access as much data as the government would be comfortable putting online. There'd be certain reasons that some information wouldn't be there, but I don't think there's any reason that a lot of it can't be there. In fact, I would suggest that I can get better information about the government from Google than I can through the estimates, and I don't think it's because the government's trying to hide anything.
If you put up more information as opposed to less and also provided analytical tools, people could go in and do ratios. They could find out about what kinds of efficiencies we are getting in terms of outcomes versus number of employees, or about expenditures on IT compared from department to department to department. Right now that type of analysis is just so cumbersome that it's not being done.