Thank you.
I ask because my question is somewhat related to procurement and has to do with the concerns about search and rescue. As you know, we just heard some news about changes in the coast guard facilities in Newfoundland and Labrador and in Quebec, and of course through the defence committee last year we were working on trying to have a look at search and rescue response times. One of the issues we encountered in our travels was that they didn't have enough Cormorants to service an increased need, and this was a very expensive idea.
I have some information, and perhaps Mr. Ross may be able to help me with this. The American government has a variant of the Cormorant known as the VH-71 Kestrel, which was in use for the presidential helicopter service, and I understand the government has purchased a number of “parts”, which in fact include nine airframes and considerable other parts that could be assembled into Cormorants or used for search and rescue.
Mr. Ross or Mr. Fonberg, I wonder if you could confirm that such a purchase from the Americans has taken place. I have a figure I received from American sources, but perhaps you can tell us what you know about it.