I will boldly dive into these waters, as best I can.
As the member points out, we don't really control the cycle. The cycle has always been, and has always created some tensions and issues around what information and whether the information is timed properly or not. RPPs have always had some separation between when main estimates get tabled and when the RPP is available.
That said, once the main estimates are available, members can ask any question they wish to ask of public servants, such as us, when we come and appear to explain what is in those main estimates. That's the best vehicle that I can think of in which we would then be able to answer any specific questions about why there may be changes proposed around some of the votes, and also provide some of the detail around which program activities some of that money may be going to, which is in essence what the RPP tries to explain.
You may not necessarily have it in a written form, in that I don't think there's a mechanism whereby we would be able to produce an RPP version that would be available prior to the RPP being tabled. Certainly we would be able to answer questions about what the plans are that inform why additional funds may be sought or why votes are decreasing. We'd certainly be able to give explanations, and as I say, I think we'd be able to do so in line with the program activities of the organization.
I don't know if that's helpful or not.