I would be delighted to do that since six weeks ago I had to do the same thing for my children.
The Privy Council Office has three main functions. The first is to be the Prime Minister's department. All ministers in government have a department. The Prime Minister is no exception. The Privy Council Office is the Prime Minister's department. It is the obligation of the officials who work there to provide advice to the Prime Minister.
The second function is to be the secretariat to cabinet along with the myriad of cabinet committees that support cabinet decision-making in the federal government. With the exception of the Treasury Board, which is supported by the Treasury Board Secretariat, Privy Council Office is the secretariat to the cabinet and its cabinet committees.
The third function is to provide leadership to the public service. The Clerk of the Privy Council is the head of the public service. The Privy Council Office provides him with specific support in his role as the leader of the public service, and also works closely with other central agencies that provide central agency human resources strategic advice.