I would be happy to do that.
We have funding for increases, of course, in non-discretionary expenses which is fit up, maintenance, and temporary accommodation associated with crown-owned buildings and leased space. This is needed to address increases in non-discretionary expenses related to Public Works' accommodation programs for public servants.
Public Works has price protection for increases to utility costs and rental costs of crown-owned and leased office accommodation. Of course, price protection agreements have been in place now since 1991.
Funding is required for the estimated cost of additional office accommodation provided to government departments and agencies. This money is to provide office accommodation to other government departments and agencies. The funds are made available to Public Works once a new program is approved, or an existing program's funding is extended for other government departments. These funds are from departments and agencies that have received approval between July 2011 and November 2, 2011 to increase their staffing levels, or extend existing programs and the associated staff.
Funding for accommodation costs related to pension administration, in particular, will pay for the accommodation of employees who administer the pension funds. As you know, Public Works is the functional authority in terms of administration of the public service pension plan. Only those costs directly attributable to the provision of pension services may be charged to the pension funds. There are approximately 650 employees within Public Works and Government Services providing pension administration services. As of November 2011, all pension service delivery has been centralized in the Public Service Pension Centre in Shediac, thus ensuring that active plan members have access to consistent, knowledgeable pension information, and subject matter experts.
Finally, funding is also required to repair and rehabilitate major infrastructures such as dams and bridges, and this is referring to the $20 million for the engineering assets. These funds are to be used for a comprehensive program of repairs, rehabilitation, and replacement of components of the 20 major engineering assets, as well as 68 wharves and marine assets that we own across Canada.