I think you've raised a very important point. One of the things that could be done without much difficulty, I believe, is to have more in-year reporting by the government at a detailed level, or a more detailed level than may be available at present.
Technically, there's no reason why there shouldn't be an update every month, for example, or every quarter of budget execution, at least at the vote level, and maybe at the program level. That will give you a lot more information, not only 18 months down the line when the accounts come to the public accounts committee, but also as the fiscal year unfolds. You will have a lot more information at hand about what is actually going on in the budget. These are changes that I have seen in a number of countries.
There are quite a few parliaments where you have monthly reports. These are not necessarily reports to parliament. They are just things that are posted on treasury websites, for example, such as monthly reports or quarterly reports, and ideally at a program level. And why not? The treasury has all of this information. It may as well publish it.