There's a standard set of questions that have been drawn up by finance committees in the past, but any other member might add particular questions to the questionnaire.
One of the things that committees are very interested in is the use of consultants—the extent to which departments propose to use consultants in the coming financial year, and the expenditure that is to be placed upon consultants. They are looking for the extent to which supposed savings by reducing permanent staff are actually not being translated into savings because the expenditure is being translated into engaging more consultants. That's quite a strong area of interest to departments.
The questions tend to be very much what individual members at a hearing, before sending out the questionnaire, want to put to the particular committees. The individual spokespersons from particular parties who are on those committees will have their own agenda on what questions they wish to ask. We had a list of over 100 questions addressed to the Office of the Ombudsman on its operations.