Thank you very much.
Mr. Chair, the member raises a very important question in terms of, as we approve drugs, understanding as much as we can about the impacts on different groups. We at Health Canada have been very concerned about the pediatric issue the member has raised. We have in fact an expert group that has been looking at the issue and giving us advice. We have been working with the Canadian council of academies of sciences to get some of their advice as well.
It is a topic under active consideration--namely, what is the best way to make sure that as we deal with the labelling issues, as we advise both health providers and individual Canadians, we're able to have the best possible science information, not only for the general population but also for subpopulations, including the pediatric population?
So we're very pleased to have the question. We are very seized with looking at what is the best approach and how we can improve the information and the labelling requirements. That's something we are looking at currently.
Thank you.