I'll cite some numbers from the 2010-11 report, just because I want to put what you're doing at CIDA into a longer-term context. In 1990 you cited some numbers here—this was your report to the OECD Development Assistance Committee—in current U.S. dollars, and I guess that's an agreement among countries to have a similar basis for reporting numbers. In 1990, and this was the combination of bilateral and multilateral aid, total development assistance was $2.5 billion in 1990, and about 60% of that, I understand, was CIDA. It went to a low 10 years later in 2000 of about $1.8 billion, and in 2010-11 it was far more than double that at $5.1 billion.
Can you describe CIDA's trend over that 20-year period, what's happened with those budgets? Has it tracked that overall development assistance expenditure that you cite in your report? At $5.1 billion, obviously, there are things in there that are from the Department of Finance, such as debt relief and so on. It's not all just CIDA budgets, but out of that $5.1 billion, your main estimates are $3.5 billion. Could you describe what those points in time, 1990, 2000 to 2010, would look like for CIDA?