Yes, we have Mr. Wallace, the younger, new and improved version.
I really appreciate your frank comments as far as political will is concerned. This is my third term on a committee that's working together, I think, in a very non-partisan way in studying this the last several months, and there's been some really good group discussion.
As you said, some committees filibuster an issue, and it's a waste of everybody's time and money. If taxpayers realized how dysfunctional some of the committees are, you would think it's a waste of taxpayers' money. We want to get to the bottom of how we can deliver on the committees' roles and responsibilities more efficiently and effectively in defining them.
One question I had was about the composition of committees. I was on the scrutiny of regulations committee for a while, which includes both Senate and House committee representatives; it's a joint committee. It seems to function quite well. It's been around for a number of years, and I don't know if something like that is what you had in mind for this larger oversight committee you recommended?