Thank you, Chair.
To actually make some of the suggested changes on that slide, we don't need the blessing of this committee. We try to make improvements. If we think we have a good idea.... We added horizontal items not so long ago. You'll see some improvements in the next supplementary estimates (A).
If the committee members have ideas on things we can do, it's good for us to know them. In the next main estimates, you will likely see some additional changes as well.
In terms of training, I think the offer's been made before. We are happy to have sessions with new members, either of the committee, or more broadly, of Parliament. We're often not taken up on that offer, but it stands. I'm happy to do it. It helps, but I think we also have some work to do in better connecting this information, either online or on paper, to allow parliamentarians to find what they're looking for, so that's on us.
To actually make some of the changes we've put forth, we can pursue changes we know are a good idea. If we think something's a good idea but we are not so certain, we'd rather hear from the committee, because its guidance is useful.
Sally, did you have anything specific you wanted to add?