This particular deferral account is really dedicated to the proper management of capital assets and public funds. Over the last number of years, we have been obviously committed to infrastructure projects across the country and focusing those infrastructure projects in a way that is beneficial for the economy.
In the first place, over half a million jobs have been created. We know that through the economic action plan. We know that businesses have grown. We know that investment in our country has increased, and certainly we are now considered a primary positive economic force worldwide.
I think the higher mandate is also to make sure that we make smart decisions with taxpayer money. Obviously taxpayers value infrastructure projects that we have invested in. They have created jobs. But they want us to ensure that there are proper controls in place so that we can get the most value for the dollars that are spent. It certainly makes sense to us, especially in terms of infrastructure projects, to allow funds for capital projects to be carried over to the next fiscal year. It allows for projects to be completed over the course of a number of years, and it provides certainty of funding.
The Auditor General referred to this need for certainty in infrastructure funding way back in a 2006 report discussing the federal government expenditures management system, and we feel that this capital carry-over fund addresses that need for certainty and streamlines how government funds are used as well. I think that goes to a larger story about how we are looking at our strategic and operating review and what we're trying to do to eliminate the deficit.