Thank you for the question.
Of course the context of this question is part of an overarching plan that we do have to keep creating jobs, making sure that stimulus is targeted to help regions that need some help, supporting our hard-working Canadians and their families. One of the projects where we felt we could make a meaningful investment is the Saint John Harbour Bridge, and that shows an understanding of the regional economy and how we can make a meaningful investment in a community and help steady the economic situation.
So we have committed to forgiving the debt of the bridge as well as providing the funds necessary for the refurbishment of that bridge. It's conditional on the removal of toll fees and it's transferred to the province. We really believe that this is part of an overarching strategy relating to the Atlantic gateway. Obviously we can see this region reaching out to the rest of the world in terms of increased trade links and economic activity, not only of a national scale but of an international scale, and by eliminating the large toll fees that could hamper business and productivity, we think we're certainly part of the solution.