The compromise might be....
And you're right. In fact, I'm not here on Thursday. I'll have to be careful now that I know you can read my mind, Mike.
There's no reason why Denis couldn't sit in for me, but if we adjourn soon, maybe the steering committee could meet for the next half-hour. We may not be ready to proceed on Thursday, but at least we'll have some agreement. We can at least come back to the committee and talk about what we're recommending.
There's one thing I would add. I concur with the suggestion: I'd want to see more about what we're discussing in the P3s. I think that's an awful lot for the fall, if we do the energy efficiency and the P3s. For the other suggestion, before the summer John tabled a motion to do with one aspect of the PBO. I've discussed it with Mike and a few others. I haven't had a chance to talk with John yet. In view of the fact that our committee has actually recommended that there be a review of the PBO, it seems logical to me that this is the committee that should do that review. It also seems logical that the review proceed before the reappointment or appointment of a new PBO in the spring.
If possible, I would like all of those motions to be in the discussion of the steering committee, and we can figure out the timing and so forth. I'm certainly available. We should all be available. Why can't the steering committee meet right away?