If I might pick that up, as a service organization we offer training on energy management to the entire Canadian economy. We have a training program called Dollars to $ents, and we have six different titles on finding opportunities, measurement and verification, financing, and so forth. We have had 25,000 Canadian participants go through the training, and roughly 2,000 of those participants have been federal employees. So we market to the federal government just as we're marketing to industry and commercial and institutional representatives across Canada. This gives people the technical wherewithal if they want to plan an energy management study, if they want to finance one, or if they need to know how to measure it.
The other training we offer is for the occupants of buildings. As my colleague mentioned earlier, the occupants of a building have an impact on energy use. We offer training to help organizations train their own occupants to use and waste less energy. That's a service NRCan offers to the economy as well as to our federal government colleagues.