Sure. I think we've provided the committee with the links to the federal sustainable development strategy. If you look at theme four when you get the opportunity to....
We didn't print it out in the interest of being green—it's about 85 pages. Instead we have given you the website, so you can look at it, or perhaps your researchers could help you.
If you look there, you'll see the targets are spelled out explicitly. We've tried to follow principles of SMART, so that the targets are clear and can be reported against. Departments are required to report what their own targets are, whether they're meeting the targets that have been agreed to government-wide, and then we can tell what their contribution to the government-wide target is. So they report what their targets are in the RPP, and then in the DPR they have to report again, in terms of what their achievement is.
The first year of reporting was last year, because it does take us about a year to collect the data in order to report all of this. People have reported just on what their targets were going to be last year. As the departmental performance reports are tabled this year, you will be seeing, in very explicit ways, how departments are achieving their own goals against those targets. Again, that will be refreshed every three years. So 2013 is another year for renewing the federal sustainable development strategy and resetting those targets. There will be constantly moving targets there.
I hope that's clear enough.