We don't have a training responsibility. However, if you look at the targets that have been set, in some instances training is part of that or an option for departments in terms of achieving their goals. For example, in the area of greening procurement, where there is a policy on green procurement, departments in the current federal sustainable development strategy were asked to identify three areas where they want to green their procurement activities, because we think of things in terms of commodities, services, etc., and we organize and differentiate that way.
In order to achieve their goals in those three areas that they identify, one of the things they might undertake would be training for their own procurement officers, in order to achieve those objectives. There are training targets embedded within some of the targets or options to use training as a way of getting to achievement of a target. Again, in general, we've tried to create high-level objectives and then allow departments and deputy heads to exercise their own authority and judgment in terms of how best to get to that target. We don't have responsibility for human resources, though.