There are far more qualified people than me to speak on this particular subject, but certainly from my experience in working with our portfolio, it starts with the first question, which is how many days of sun a particular location gets. Wind might be a better alternate source of energy than solar—for example, in parts of Newfoundland and Labrador. But the first question is days of sun.
The second question is what the particular energy regime is in that municipality or that jurisdiction. Do you have a feed-in tariff where you can actually contribute back to the grid?
Third, can the panels and the cost of the panels provide a reasonable return on investment in terms of reducing the operating cost of the facility?
Those are all things we take into account in terms of looking at the investments.
Also, there is an impact on structure, on the architecture of the particular facility, having the panels up there, understanding what they do in wind situations, with snow loads, etc. How does that work in terms of the overall cost and the benefit?