It is a good question.
I would start with the simple fact that the average age of Public Works' inventory is 43 years; our buildings are on average 43 years of age. That puts them very old in terms of how they were designed and constructed. To bring new technologies to some of these buildings is a major undertaking, so I need to look at that in the context of the life of the building, how long we plan to occupy it. Also, to do some of these renovations would require us to move everyone out, occupy leased space, for example. In those cases, for some of our longer-term view, the return on the investment is not there because we would have to spend so much money to do this, and maybe in that particular community the building won't be used for that long. We are, as you saw in some of our numbers, addressing the parts of the inventory for which it makes sense. For others, fiscally, when you take the large picture into account, it does not make, in our mind, a good investment.