It's an interesting question. It never ceases to impress me when I look at our holdings literally coast to coast to coast. But ours is somewhat unique. We are office space. The act mandates that the minister is to provide office space for the federal accommodation. We are a mandatory service. The majority of the other 40-odd federal custodians have what we call “special purpose space”, so it's laboratories, warehouses, etc. The core of what I manage is unique to me. I'm the leader in terms of office space. I'm not necessarily an expert in, for example, weapons storage or in equipment for marine research.
We do try to influence, as we said earlier.... The low carbon initiative is a very interesting one that I'm really pleased to be collaborating with Geoff and his team on. Tenants in our buildings don't pay for energy, don't pay for the heat, the cooling. That's my accountability. How they behave as a tenant has a direct impact on me. In partnership with NRCan, if we can get people to turn off their computers at night, to shut off all that vampire power that we all know is being used when we see lights glowing in the dark, that saves us and saves the taxpayer money. That's leadership we're trying to bring in terms of federal occupancy and federal use.