No, I certainly agree. Those are what I consider to be some of the low-hanging fruit, if I can use that term. When you can easily do things to save.... Even going to waterless urinals, or, as you say, the low-flush—those are very easy things to do. In fact we did a number of initiatives under the economic action plan to address exactly that kind of thing.
If I could, I would like to respond to your earlier question.
Real estate is, of course, local. As part of NAFTA, when we tender, we tender on the government's electronic tendering process, MERX, so in fact it goes international. But by the nature of what we do, obviously a firm in Moncton has an advantage on something in New Brunswick. We tend to be very regional and local in terms of how we do things.
So in terms of your earlier question, on whether there are only nine firms, it's very much distributed across the country.