Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.
We'll call the meeting to order. This will be the 54th meeting of the Standing Committee on Government Operations and Estimates.
We're very pleased and very grateful to welcome today as our guests and witnesses representatives from the Department of Public Works and the Department of Natural Resources as we undertake an overview of where we are with the greening of the public buildings and the energy efficiency and energy retrofit study that we would like to undertake as a committee.
We thought it would be useful, of course, to find out what the lay of the land is currently and who is doing what. We understand that there's a great deal of work already under way in this regard throughout the federal government's holdings.
Therefore, we'd be very pleased to hear from, first of all, Mr. John McBain, the assistant deputy minister of the real property branch of Department of Public Works, and then I understand Mr. Geoff Munro will make a presentation on behalf of Natural Resources.
Mr. McBain, you have the floor for as long as you like.