Having heard from all you, I'd like to hear from whoever can answer this question, probably Mr. Sanger and the school board and maybe Mr. Carlton.
From all that we've heard, it's sounding more or less as though a lot of these projects are working for design-build. A number of you mentioned there are lots of different kinds of these partnerships, and some of them that really seemed to have work are the design-build.
Is it fair to say that it may be early in the day to say that the P3 works, because that's where you have to also have a private entity do the maintenance and operation? It sounded to me, from what the school board is saying, that they were told by the province they were going to be allowed to build a whole bunch of schools for a change, but through P3. Therefore part of your success in managing to build all these schools all at once occurred because the money was committed right up front, which is what Mr. Atkinson suggested.
Mr. Sanger, would you comment?