Good morning, everyone. I have to say I have a contrasting opinion on many of the things that John talked about. One that I completely agree with, however, is the understanding of risk. That is central to any discussion about public-private partnerships.
By way of introduction, my name is Damian Joy. I'm the president of Bilfinger Berger Project Investments Inc. We are a developer, investor, and manager of infrastructure P3s here in Canada and in North America.
I first worked in the Canadian PPP markets about 10 years ago. I've been based in Toronto for the last six and a half years, which is where our regional headquarters is.
We've had a long experience working with provincial PPP authorities and in a couple of instances, for example, the Trans-Canada Highway, where we're responsible for the Kicking Horse Pass, we have had projects that use federal funding.
I think we are talking about the fundamentals of PPPs, so I'd like to give you a definition that I've taken from Gordon Brown, the former British prime minister and chancellor of the exchequer. In 2005, talking about the U.K. version of P3s, the private finance initiative, he gave a definition that sums up some of the key points about the roles of the public and private sectors. Ill give you his definition:
Under the Private Finance Initiative (PFI) the public sector contracts to purchase services on a long-term basis so as to take advantage of private sector management skills incentivised by having private finance at risk. The private sector has always been involved in the building and maintenance of public infrastructure, but PFI ensures that contractors are bound into long-term maintenance contracts and shoulder responsibility for the quality of the work they do. With PFI, the public sector defines what is required to meet public needs and ensures delivery of the outputs through the contract. Consequently, the private sector can be harnessed to deliver investment in better quality public services whilst frontline services are retained within the public sector.
I think it's the roles of the public and private sectors that are important here.
The public sector is defining what is required to meet public needs. It's refining front line services, and it's contracting to purchase services on a long-term basis and ensuring the delivery of those outputs through the contract.
The private sector is, as always, involved in building and maintaining public infrastructure, but it's bound into long-term maintenance contracts. It shoulders responsibility for the quality of its work. It's incentivised by having private finance at risk.
In other words, government becomes a specifier and a procurer of infrastructure, rather than a direct provider. In my opinion, hospitals, roads, military bases, are not core functions of government. The core functions of government are health care, transportation, and national defence. I think when you look at what government is here to do, infrastructure is not a core service per se.
If infrastructure is just a means to deliver that public service, there's no erosion of the role of government in delivering the public service. There is support from the private sector to use its capabilities and capacities to deliver and maintain it as it has always done.
Traditional public sector procurement of infrastructure has many examples of projects that have had problems. I'm sure there are too many to count and they're well documented.
Typically, a project can overrun its schedule and budget, and builders can walk away, leaving the government to pick up the cost of fixing defects. There have been many instances where maintenance costs far exceed the government's expectations and where assets require major renovation prematurely early in their life.
These are the big risks with infrastructure procurement that PPP is intended to address. PPPs work because the private sector does not get paid until the project is completely built and is in public service. We receive no money for delivering four hospital buildings in Kelowna and Vernon until they are satisfactorily commissioned and in public service.
There are also long-term obligations to maintain those facilities to specified standards so the private sector cannot walk away, leaving defects for the government to pay for. If the private sector is on the hook for the maintenance costs, then they make sure it's designed and constructed for economical performance over its whole life. When maintenance and renewals are needed, they have to be paid for by the private sector partner, and that's us.
This all works because the private sector is incentivized by having a large amount of its own money on the table to guarantee that performance. This shows that any debate about the advantages and disadvantages of PPPs centres around the issues of how risk is understood, how it's evaluated, and how it's managed. In that respect, I agree with John's comments very clearly.
The best way I could demonstrate the risk transfer is with a quick example, a project that involved our own company in the state of Victoria in Australia for a medium-size remand prison. In that case, one of the construction companies in our consortium went bankrupt. The project got into serious delays. Despite immense efforts by the rest of the consortium over the period of a year or 18 months, the project could not be recovered within the contractual timelines, and the equity and debt investors in the project company suffered very significant financial losses, to the tune of well over $100 million.
However, the state will get the completed project at about the original price it had anticipated because it had transferred the risk to the private sector. Had it been a traditional procurement, the state would have overpaid for a half-finished prison and it would have had no means of completing construction. As it is, the state has not paid anything, and it will not pay anything until that prison is complete and the additional burden of the delayed construction and the bankrupt contractor is picked up by the consortium.
I don't enjoy telling this story because it was a painful loss for us, but it is important to recognize that these are real risks that are being transferred. They're being taken away from government by the private sector, and in a situation like this where risk materializes, the apparent difficulty to evaluate risk becomes very tangible in dollars.
I'll conclude my remarks there. Perhaps the further debate needs to be not just the face of whether public borrowing is cheaper than private borrowing, but how we evaluate the risk that associates with the financial commitment government is making.