Thank you, John. It's good to see you again.
It's my feeling that risk analysis should be made available publicly, and the details of the projects that go into risk analysis should be made available.
If you talk to small contractors, they would argue they come in on time, they deliver on time, and if they don't, they're penalized. They would argue that this risk transfer is for them mainly bogus. But companies have put together risk analysis. Infrastructure Ontario is the source of most of what is happening. Where risk analysis was done in the U.K. and Australia it has been heavily criticized for being unsubstantiated. I do believe we need greater transparency. There's no reason we shouldn't have it.
When it comes to the Winnipeg situation and even the Ontario situation, yes, consulting firms are asked to give their opinion on the value for money analysis that Infrastructure Ontario does. The way they do this is to say that they have verified it, but they did not conduct a detailed analysis, they did not do an audit, they did not look at the public sector comparator in any detail, and they can't verify that the facts are valid, but, yes, it looks like risk was transferred. This is meaningless. It really is meaningless, and you find this attached to most Infrastructure Ontario projects.
In the case of Winnipeg, the details of the risk that was supposedly transferred on a cheap paperless trail are simply not believable. They're just not believable. They differ significantly from project to project. It looks like they were just pulled out of the air. There's absolutely no substantiation.
Normally, we would say that project risk is the big risk. In this project it's all kinds of other small risks that add up to very significant amounts of money into a high proportion of the capital cost.
Without further verification and explanation, this simply is not believable.