Thank you very much for your question, Monsieur Blanchette.
My comment on that is, to some extent I do agree with you. If the public sector was an expert procurer and it did have the depth of skills to manage complex infrastructure procurement, it probably could do so without a P3 model, but I think P3 is just one of several mechanisms that can be used to ensure the enforceability of the objectives that government puts into its contracts.
I'm obviously an advocate of P3s, but they are not the only solution, and in many cases they are not the right solution. I think in certain instances where projects are large and complex and particularly where the infrastructure itself is not something in which the government's authority is expert, then it's a means by which the objectives can be enforced very clearly by contractual means.
I'm agreeing with your point. Yes, in certain cases where the expertise exists, P3 is just one option, and not necessarily the best.