On our website we have every contract that's been issued. There are some things that are redacted, such as things that are commercially sensitive for the province or the proponent that would hurt their ability to compete in the future; that is true. But there is a plethora of information, including full contract documentation, on our website.
When it comes to risk analysis, it's important that everyone in the room understand the project. When they're looking at quantifying risk, a whole host of outcomes are reviewed, from the very probable to the highly improbable, to the lower cost to the higher cost.Those are evaluated, and then the range of results are reviewed. That gives people not only an understanding of what kind of exposure the owner may have in each type of procurement process, which then informs their budgeting, but it also informs the owner's team on how they should be running their project and looking at how they can mitigate those risks through their own project management.