Maybe I'll give a bit of additional context, Mr. Chair. There are roughly 135 organizations that could come in for funding. As already had been mentioned, this is a subset.
Supplementary estimates (B), or our fall supplementary estimates, are traditionally the biggest of the three supplementary estimates, just because of the time of year. It does give departments some time to deal with any budget funding they might want to deal with, but departments are not obligated to come in. Departments only come in for funding if they have been to Treasury Board to get a new program or additional funds approved. There's no obligation on departments, but supplementary estimates (B) are the largest of the three, typically.
If you're curious about how it relates to previous authorities at this stage of the year, on the voted front, as was already mentioned, we're at about $2.5 billion in supplementary estimates (B) this year. We're down over the previous year's roughly $2 billion at this time of year. If you go back two years to 2010-11, we're at about $8 billion less. We're about even with the 2009-10 numbers, just to give you some perspective of where that is. On the statutory front, we are at slightly less than the last couple of years.
However, there's no obligation for departments to come in. Of this 135, we have a subset, but traditionally this is the largest of the supplementary estimates.