I'll make a couple of my comments and then turn to my colleague for a more detailed explanation.
What you have in this document is the money that will be spent this fiscal year, and we do reference back to previous supplementary estimates. Also in these supplementary estimates (B) are the funds that are being requested to be spent this year, with specific allocations.
On the other document that is being referred to, there is a central government advertising reserve. When there are funds allocated, which could be for multiple years to certain advertising programs, it is made public what has been allocated from that central amount. What you see here is what will be spent in the current year. That other document that was referred to is actually a more longer-term view about what has been allocated from the centre.
The third piece that I'll add before I turn to my colleague is that departments can also spend money on advertising from their existing reference levels, so this is just a horizontal piece for advertising that has been requested in these supplementary estimates, and there are two major items.
I'll turn to my colleague for additional comments.