Bernard, you're well over time. That was close to six and a half minutes.
Thank you very much. That's the end of our first round.
I'd like to ask Mr. Vermette to expand a bit on one comment that he made toward the end of his remarks.
You said that Canada doesn't really have a lot of shipbuilding capacity. We're a country with the largest coastline of any country in the world, and surely we used to be at the leading edge of shipbuilding, whether historically, in Lunenburg, or during the Second World War. My own union used to have 40,000 members working in the Burrard drydocks, cranking out a boat a week during the war efforts. We were at the leading edge.
Will this new commitment to building ships in Canada put us back at the leading edge of the nations that build ships? Will it revitalize our shipbuilding industry?