I will ask Alex to help me in replying.
Overall, Shared Services Canada gathered people and their base budget from some 43 or 44 departments, importantly, from Public Works. I believe initially, and it is shown in our documentation to Parliament, some 1,100 people were moved from Public Works to become the core of the new Shared Services Canada. That also involved a transfer of moneys as well.
Those have taken place already. Shared Services Canada is up and running effectively. It's operating as a separate entity within our portfolio, reporting to our minister. There will be, I'm sure, still some minor adjustments around the edges, but fundamentally it's there and in place.
I would add that Shared Services Canada will operate not unlike Public Works and Government Services Canada, in that some of their services will be provided on a cost-recovery basis to departments. So they will cost-recover some of their undertakings.