Obviously, Mr. Moloney would be better placed to speak to the details of the work, but it's my understanding that this work is going well and is on track and on plan. Today, Mr. Moloney is in Washington, meeting with his American counterparts, as he does on a regular basis.
To give you a sense of how that work is going, I'll speak a bit to the other side of the house, the RCC work. They're finalizing the action plan, with corresponding detailed work plans, and the implementation is now under way through 12 binational working groups. Those work plans were just finalized through the course of the summer, and they'll extend out over the next 18 months and beyond. The focus is on ongoing systemic changes, and that work will be critical to securing a new regulatory relationship with the United States and establishing new cooperative arrangements between regulatory departments in key areas of regulatory business, such as standard setting, product review and approvals, reliance on each other's regulatory systems, and in managing third-country import risk.