I'll make sure that I can identify the specific amount.
Specific claims, for members who aren't familiar with this, are allegations of violations of trust or sharp dealings, or a grievance of some sort. They're not the unresolved land claims. These are very specific issues, as the name implies. We had an out-of-court settlement model for them for many years, which people deemed was not very effective.
In 2007 or 2008, the government brought in legislation to create a binding tribunal to make final awards on these issues. The tribunal is a creature of legislation and is up and running now. The existence of the tribunal sets up a process of negotiating settlements. We're motivated to settle, and so are first nations, because of the existence of the tribunal.
We have invested significant resources in the last few years in clearing up the big backlog in the pipeline of getting legal assessments. Essentially, my negotiators can't offer a number until we've done a risk assessment of what we think the claim may be worth.
We have eliminated that backlog. We have made offers right across the country. We have actually, in some cases, also said no, that we don't think there's a basis for a settlement and that people are free to go to the tribunal if they think they have a good case.
In aggregate numbers, we are now at well above $1 billion in settlements. The list of communities showing where these are is on our website, and we have a progress report, and so on. Most of the claims are in British Columbia, but there are many across the west, as I'm sure you know. They can be as large as $200 million to $300 million, in the case of the Bigstone Cree in the northwest part of Alberta or the Coldwater claim in central Ontario. Or they can be very, very tiny: a railway or a road was being created, and reserve land was taken away, and now compensation has been paid. They can vary from a few thousand to several hundred millions of dollars.
We have essentially eliminated the backlog. We're well more than halfway done with what we inherited in 2007 and are on the path to resolving many of the others.