Thank you for the question.
As I mentioned at the outset, we have looked at various models and we are ready to continue the discussion with the Senate and House of Commons representatives. We are in a holding pattern.
I will give you the structure. There are not that many committees and consultations go on very positively. In fact, the picture I want to leave you with is that relations are very good. Discussions go on between the partners and the major priorities are understood.
Ultimately, there are two separate roles. The role of the House, the Senate and the Library of Parliament is to establish your needs and requirements. Then you have Public Works, whose job is to turn those requirements into reality within federal government rules, meaning the cabinet, the committees and the Treasury Board. Those are the two major roles and responsibilities. The RCMP and the Federal Heritage Buildings Review Office work with us to improve the project. We are not in a confrontation situation.
I should tell you that the final authority is the government when it approves the five-year plans. When we submit memoranda to cabinet or Treasury Board requests, it is the government’s decision whether or not to award mandates and contracts, or to give us directions. That is the way things work at the moment.