I have some numbers. As we speak, there are more than 500 people working on the West Block, the Wellington Building, and the Sir John A. Macdonald Building. People are working on site today.
In the future, when we look at job creation, we think that about 4,000 direct and indirect jobs will have been connected to West Block renovations. These are jobs related to architects, suppliers and all the consultants and manufacturers who make the products. So for West Block, we're talking about some 4,000 jobs. For the Wellington Building, the number of new jobs is about 2,000 to 2,500.
We think that, in the medium term, when most of the contracts are under way, about 17,000 direct and indirect jobs will be created by having these construction projects.
These jobs will not be just in the National Capital Region. There will also be jobs with the various manufacturers who will provide us with services.