The main issues we're facing are included in the various reports that we have requested from third parties over the years. One of these reports concluded that West Block would come to the end of its useful life in 2013. We were able to release it in 2010 and 2011, and we saw immediately that there were serious problems. So we were able to meet an important deadline, but we realized that the state of the building was worse than we thought.
For Centre Block, we're talking about 2019. In 2019, the main systems will come to the end of their useful life. When I talk about health, safety and structural systems, I am referring to mechanical systems. For the moment, we are stretching out the life of these systems, but at some point, we won't be able to repair them anymore. According to the experts we've hired—so the engineers and architects and third parties—we're talking about 2019 in the case of Centre Block. That means that, eventually, the possibility of staying in place will be reduced.
There are problems with some electrical systems. Sometimes relays, which are types of fuses, break down. But the type of relay in East Block and Centre Block no longer exists. Our technologists have to be extremely creative to repair this type of device. As we mentioned earlier, a transformer exploded because it was at the end of its useful life.
We are managing these situations as best we can with the help of our employees. We will stretch out the useful life of these systems as long as possible, but at some point, we will need to take action. In the case of the East Block tower, for example, we had to put forward a renovation project so it could stay in place and so the health and safety dangers would be reduced. If some stones fall, if electrical wires are too exposed or the roof becomes less solid because of a defective structure that dates back to 1850 or 1860, it's clear that we need to take action quickly. We are correcting the problems before they become a danger. We are not waiting. This is the approach that we put into practice every day.