My colleague, Mathieu, was talking about the size. A small business can become a big one quite quickly. I represent a beautiful riding in Kelowna Lake country in the Okanagan. There were three animation artists who worked in their basement and all of a sudden sold their company to Disney for $325 million, and they have over 400 employees now. We're going to grow from that seed that was planted. Some members of the animation industry are on the Hill here today. We're working with that very robust industry and trying to help feed into that.
For some of the small business sectors I've spoken to in our community it's a bit daunting sometimes. They feel it's cumbersome. They're trying to find their way into MERX. I know the Canadian Federation of Independent Business have commented in the past, and we get our comment sheet from CFIB members. What have you done to try to make the process a little easier for them?