Mr. Trottier, that concludes your time.
That ends our first round, but building from a question Mr. Trottier asked, I was wondering if I could ask you to expand somewhat. In the previous study, witnesses told us that one of the problems they had was that some of the contracts were bundled and clustered in such a way that a small entrepreneur, a small local contractor, couldn't bid on such a large project. They asked the government to consider breaking some of these big IT contracts down so that local entrepreneurs could get a shot at them and perhaps grow their company. I was wondering if you could report on any progress in that regard.
Also, in the last study we looked at your American counterpart in some of the advocacy work they do to help small and medium enterprises get government contracts. I was wondering if there's been any exchange from your office with your American counterpart, or if you've implemented any ideas that you may have gleaned from exchanges with the U.S.