Thank you for the question. Indeed, you're quite right to reference the online processing procedure, which is increasingly available. We want to make sure that it works appropriately for citizens. I think we're doing it on a pilot project basis in the high-volume areas first, like Citizenship and Immigration as an example. Then once all the bugs are ironed out, of course it would be available more broadly.
The fact of the matter is that the number of access to information requests increases exponentially. Having said that, we are striving to meet the demand as quickly as possible. The online process will be very helpful in that regard, including an online payment option. To the extent there are lengthy delays, a lot of that has to do with the fact that some access to information requests are quite complicated and involve multi-departmental responses. Departments have to check with other departments, collate, and make sure that the response is complete as well as accurate.
We are looking at examining ways that we can perhaps—