Okay. Thanks.
Your report on plans and priorities, which we're grateful to receive simultaneously to the budget, makes our scrutiny much more effective.
In that report, the minister claims to have significantly reduced the average time for major procurements, yet we continue to witness significant delays and botched processes in the outfitting of our military in a mounting list of major procurements: military jets, the integrated soldier system project, the $2 billion close combat vehicle program, and projects to purchase army trucks.
The report on plans and priorities claims the department will make progress on its purported smart procurement by simplifying and streamlining the process, and yet in the procurement for the $300 million integrated soldier system project, apparently you've had to completely repeat it, because that system didn't work.
Can you tell us if the bidders will likely find it necessary to up their prices because of the fact that they've had to prepare that bid twice for this major procurement? As well, do your estimates this year take into account the fact that you're having to redo that procurement process?