The CICP is an innovative program that relies on a fully competitive procurement process. The objective of the program is to acquire the innovations of Canadian companies in four priority sectors, as Mr. Sobrino mentioned: enabling technologies, environment, health and safety and protection. This last priority sector is closely related to the defence sector, and that is why this purchase will be made.
We have opened up these four priority sectors, which cover a broad range of industries, to Canadian enterprises. The program excludes no innovation based on the industry from which it originates. It is an entirely open procurement process.
We do not decide on the products that will be put forward for the program; it's the industry that proposes them. If an innovation meets program requirements and the needs of the federal departments, it will very likely be purchased for testing purposes.
In this case, this is an example of a product that enhances the effectiveness of something that is of interest to the federal government. It also offers environmental benefits.