That was several years back. When an investment decision is being made, like a business case, for instance, there are times when you want to understand both the accrual and cash bases. Because the budget is on accrual, finance needs to understand those planning numbers on accrual. There's a much greater use of accrual information than there was at that time. Since that recommendation, as I mentioned earlier, Australia has come full circle. They went back to cash because they had some issues with Parliament not understanding what they were approving.
We have shared with the Office of the Auditor General the study that the committee has done. There have been ongoing discussions on that issue. They're aware of our position.
Going from memory, which is dangerous for me, I think that of the witnesses you had here as part of this study on the question of cash versus accrual, all were in favour of cash, except the Auditor General, I believe, who was still on side with the accrual.