I think I'll clarify that, Madam Charette. I used a poor example because I used the example of a lake, which is a provincial jurisdiction. I was asking about a similar example, however, totally in the federal jurisdiction, which would be offshore marine seacoast fisheries. Just as an example, that would be data that would be totally collected by the federal government and would actually have no provincial government participation. There is information that is collected by the Department of Fisheries and Oceans similar to information that would be collected by Environment Canada and other things.
What my question really is—without muddling the question through the relationship of the federal-provincial jurisdictional issue on that which is strictly a federal issue—will there be a directive that will be given to departments as a result of Canada's participation in this initiative that says if you have data that would normally be collected and disseminated and made available through the Access to Information Act to applicants and you're not publishing it on the portal, you're not publishing it in a way that's transparent and clearly available, you have a responsibility and a mandate to publish it. Is that part of this initiative?